Monday, 12 November 2012

#6 Household & Personal Products - Walmart

1. Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
It belongs to Brand Advertising.

2. The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
The marketing, communication and economic role of advertising.

3. What does the ad. want the audience to do or not do?
The ad wants their audience to be informed about the low prices sales at Walmart.

4. Who is the target audience?
Housewives and general public.

5. What are the target audience's needs, concerns and interest?
The target audience are concerned with the relatively low prices of goods selling at Walmart comparing to other hypermarkets.

6. What is the message?
Walmart helps consumers to save even more and always maintains its low prices.

7. Discuss the message being conveyed.
Walmart attracts more consumers with their tagline "helping you to save even more" by reducing to lower prices.

8. Who does the message appeal to?
To housewives and middle and lower classes of families.

9. What is the desired communication outcome?
Attract more consumers.

10. What other communication channel is most effective?

11. Identify the ad and specific product being advertised and describe the ad.
The ad shows several prices became lower after being "reconstructed" by a Smiley construction worker. This shows the purpose of the ad.

12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery, etc?
The ad was animated with a Smiley as a construction worker where he re-constructs the prices into lower prices in the Walmart store.

13. What is not discussed about the product?
Is it a seasonal promotion and if so, how long does it last?

14. What image is portrayed?

15. Is it true to life or puffery?

16. Is the ad a slice-of-life, fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?

17. Who is in the ad, if a star, what image does he or she portray?
Will Smith, a down-to-earth worker.

18. What is the mood of the ad, colors used, music played?
Cheerful music with bright colours.

19. Is the ad memorable?

20. Would you buy the product being advertised, why or why not?
Yes because it attracted me to go find out its low prices.

21. Be sure to include your opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
I am fascinated at this ad because it is cheerful and creative in a way.

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