Monday 12 November 2012

Tutorial 3 - Group assignment product

Hershey's - Cookies 'n' Creme

The role of advertising: 
To reinforce the brand image to the consumers

Target market: Who are we targeting?
Children, small kids

Consumer insight: What do they think about us?
The brand is well-known in everyone, but the audiences are not aware of the product, Hershey's chocolate bar.

Category: Candies

Brand: Hershey's

Advertising opportunity: How can we make you want this?
a) Change to a brand new packaging such as miniature bars
b) Change to a brighter and striking colour packaging
c) Provides complimentary goods, eg: stickers and maniature toys

Proposition: How do we kickstart?
Introduce Cookies 'n' Creme with a new packaging but remains the same flavor regardless of the size through TV advertisement first.

Support: How is this believable?
- Adding in the element of FUN and YOUNG into the conservative image of Hershey's which is associated with children. 
- Influence of other people's testimony on their experiences of trying the product
- The same flavor of Cookies 'n' Creme in other category affects the consumers' intention to try or buy the product. For example, the consumers like the taste of Baskin Robins's Cookies 'n' Creme flavor ice-cream, hence they will have the intention to try the similar flavor on chocolates.

Desired consumer response: How we want you to think of us?
To recognize this particular product and reinforce the brand image

Brand personality: Who is Hershey's?
Up to standard and conservative.

Campaign requirements: 
- Organize a large event or roadshow with the theme of Cookies 'n' Creme. 
- The programs of the event included coloring contest to attracts the children to take part and their artwork will be presented in the campaign. 
- Creates a mascot as a symbol which represents the Cookies 'n' Creme product

The original logo of Hershey's will be remains because of its long term reputation in confectionery industry.

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